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The internet can become your business's most effective marketing tool - or your competitors. A local business that depends upon a steady source of new patients or clients must have a website as finely tuned as a new Porsche 911. Your website needs to work as hard as you do.

SEO is the Key to Website Success

So, internet marketing company denver or SEO? SEO serves two masters - the search engines and targeted consumers. A consumer interested in the service you provide has to see your website when conducting a search. Once at your website, the answer to their search query must be readily apparent and result in a conversion. SEO is the "how" to accomplishing these goals.

Search Engines Determine Website Visibility

Search engines rule the internet and Google is the king. When a consumer types in a search term, they're presented with a list of website links and a little information about each.

The goal of SEO is to have your website among the top 3 organic (unpaid) listings for carefully researched keyword phrases. These are the money links where most consumers click. If your website isn't here, it is invisible to most searchers. Your competitors get the leads.

Search engines rank websites based on a couple hundred different factors. A few of the most important ranking factors include the following:

Mobile-friendly with responsive web design: Google ranks higher those websites that provide a good user experience for people using smartphones and other mobile devices. The website should function properly on any mobile device. The vast majority of people use their smartphones to research products and services.

Fast loading: Mobile users are particularly demanding and tend to abandon websites that don't load in a few seconds.

Authoritative: High quality backlinks from high-ranked, relevant websites are a 20% ranking factor.

SEO Produces Conversions

Once the visitor arrives at the website, SEO really kicks into high gear. A targeted consumer has expressed an interest and must rapidly decide that the answer is on this page. While the visitor may remain and visit other pages, the landing page is critical. A website will typically have many landing pages, but each landing page must be optimized and include:

Page title: Keywords, business name and location

Call to action: Testing will determine maximum effectiveness

Optimized content: Both written and video

Contact information: Name, address, phone - always in the same format

Structured data: Used to further increase visibility on the search engine results page

Of course, a complete answer to the "what is search engine optimization" question would cover much more than these highlights. SEO involves a multitude of constantly evolving technical factors, marketing experience and consumer psychology.

When you're looking for a Denver SEO Expert with all the answers to "what is search engine optimization," call Targeted Laser SEO. They are dedicated to providing a wide range of website and SEO services to medical spas, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, tattoo removal and lasik. For a website that exceeds your goals, contact the pros today.

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