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When businesses require a unique application for a project, a series of reports, or a database they have to hire a programmer to develop the application. That can become expensive and time-consuming, especially if the business needs or wants applications several times a year. Each time a new application has to be added a programmer has to be contracted. Interviews are conducted to discover the requirements of the application and the desired outcomes. The application is developed and installed into the system and training has to be scheduled for employees that will be using the new application. There has to be a way to reduce the time and expense of that process.

Online database software provides a faster and more cost-effective solution for businesses. As explained in the web database software overview, features of the software places control of building new databases and applications in the hands of the business. Applications can be created without programming. That means the business can create specific applications as they are needed. Skipping several steps in the process also saves time and money. A programmer does not have to be hired so all the time discussing the needs and outcomes is eliminated. The cost disappears, and the application can be created in much less time.

Other features include the ability to organize all the business data in one location. Rather than having files in different programs, images in a variety of formats, and tasks and schedules in another system, everything can be together. Contracts, clients, forms, and procedures can also be found quickly because the information can all be imported into a series of databases. Collaboration can also become faster and more productive via the secure exchange of files, emails, ideas, and solutions to problems. The Kohezion overview also explains how online applications can be used to automate reports to suit unique business needs.

Because the software is accessed online, costs are lower than purchasing software off the shelf, or having it custom developed. Limited access to software for five users to create five applications and fifteen projects is actually free on the Kohezion website. Email support and access to instructions regarding all aspects of the software is also included, as well as a five-hundred MB database. A standard package can be acquired for a low per user cost per year. That includes full access to the software, unlimited applications and projects, a larger database. The Kohezion overview also outlines the turnkey solution that is available for businesses as well.

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